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Manufacturing Engineering

Intergraph/Nesting Package (I/NEST)

Intergraph Corporation

I/NEST package interactively and automatically arranges parts on plateand sheet materials. With I/NEST's interactive nesting function, the usercan dynamically arrange parts on a sheet of material using typicalgraphic manipulation functions such as move, rotate, drag, etc. WithI/NEST's automatic nesting function, the user can identify the quantityof each part to be nested, along with the nesting constraints for eachpart. The automatic nesting function then looks at all the parts andtheir constraints, and arranges them in an efficient manner on thematerial. The nested parts are compatible with the Intergraph NC productsfor subsequent processing of the shapes.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: I/EMS or I/MDS or I/DRAFT or I/DESIGN and I/NC, RISCCU Nest Data Server also requires INFORMIX Standard or Online Engine and
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Intergraph Corporation
1 Madison Industrial Pwy
Huntsville, AL 35894-0001
Phone: (205) 730-2000
Fax: (205) 730-7509